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Cream 12%

List of Ingredients

  • 1 duck
  • 2 apples
  • 50 g rye bread
  • 100 g Zott Primo Cream 12 %
  • 1 spoon rapeseed oil
  • 1 spoon sugar
  • marjoram
  • pepper
  • salt

How to Prepare

Wash the duck, rub it with salt and sprinkle pepper on both sides. Stuff the duck with marjoram and quarters of apples, sprinkled with sugar and covered with oil. Fasten the meat together with skewers and put into fridge for 2 hours.

Put the duck into an oven for ca. 2 hours and bake in 180°C. Remember to baste it with warm, boiled water, and then with the sauce every several minutes.

Take the duck out and gather the fat from the top layer. If the remaining fluid does not make up to ½ l, add water. Add Zott Primo Cream 12 % and bread to the sauce. Mix, cook and season with pepper. Pour the sauce over the duck. Enjoy!

Level of Difficulty:


Preparation Time:

( up to 270 minutes )


Your Rating

Date Added: 08.07.15

Recipe's Author: Zott

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