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List of Ingredients

How to Prepare

Rinse hemp seeds a day before, cover with two glasses of water and leave to soak. Cook the hemps in the same water, filling in the evaporating water. Remove the pot from the burner when the scales crack and the pulp is visible. It usually takes at least two hours. Strain the stock and grind the seeds. Pour two glasses of hot water over the pulp, mix thoroughly and boil for 20 minutes. Drain the scales and rinse with a small amount of hot water. Add the stock to the liquid obtained from rinsing the hemps, and sieve. Measure ¾ l of stock and add milk. Boil, stirring constantly. Mix millet or wheat flour with Zott Primo Cream 12 % and pour into the soup. Season with pepper and salt. Once boiled, serve with boiled millet groats. Enjoy!

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Preparation Time:

( up to 240 minutes )


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Date Added: 08.07.15

Recipe's Author: Zott

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